Monday, November 22, 2010

The Special Gifts

I could go on and on about the blessings I have.  Being born into a Christian family and believing in Jesus since practically birth has to top the list.  And second to that, being born in a country where I have freedom to worship and believe Truth.  Of course, my husband and my children, our economic stability, our health and unmeasurable provisions are all biggies that I too often take for granted, but am incredibly grateful for.

But you know how sometimes when God blesses you in very small ways, these are the things you feel tremendously thankful for?  These are the ever-present whisperings of His spirit as He leads you.  These are the ever-soft intimacies as He comforts you.  These are the ever-uplifting encouragements as He prompts you to His work.  It’s like a special little, “I love you.  You are Mine.” 

I have felt these special “gifts” as of late regarding my singing group, Evidence.  I will be honest:  this ministry is hard work!  It is taxing on my health, on my family, and on my schedule.  But I know it’s what I’m called to.  Last night’s concert was a prime example of God pouring out His spirit as we sang.  We could SEE the people tracking with us, crying, smiling, singing, and clapping.  When you’re on the platform, you have the foremost eye view of these “pockets” of people in the audience who are truly being ministered to.  After a long day, half way through the concert, I felt God showing me in His subtle way, “See?  Look at these people.  They are what all this work has been about.  It is worth it because THEY are worth it to Me.”

He has also given me a sense of “rightness” in going forward with our “Friends of Evidence” concert event.  (  It is right for us to "gift" this concert to our family, friends, and fans.  But it’s really hard to ask for money.  Especially if you’re not absolutely 100% positive that the work for which the money is needed is the right one!  The one that God absolutely 100% positively wants you to do!  And I have continually been waiting to feel a sense of unease about this concert or about our CD recording project as I pray about them.  Yet, I have NOT felt any unsettling or unrest in my spirit about either thing!  While I have no idea how things will turn out in the end…the concert may end up with 13 people in attendance…the recording project may take place in my own basement—ha!….I still maintain a sense of PEACE about them.  A conviction that this IS the path He is showing us.  Thank you, God, for shedding light on our steps—even if it’s one step at a time. 
Considering Thanksgiving is about taking time to show gratitude, I thought I’d share about how I’ve been so blessed lately with these little things.  I hope you have been listening for God’s still, small voice as He speaks to you about your life—these are special gifts to be grateful for!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In the In-Between

The in-between weather of summer giving way to fall is a glorious time in St. Louis!  And it got me thinking as I enjoyed my walk around the SCC campus in-between classes this afternoon.  There's a path that circles a large pond with a fountain and since the geese weren't out today, I slipped off my heeled shoes.  I couldn't help but notice how the concrete, which was pleasantly warmed from the sun, felt ice cold in the shade.  And how the college students were spending their in-between time playing frisbie out in the long sleeves and jeans.  How girls were wearing tank tops with long jeans and fall boots, or hoodies with flip-flops.  I, myself, in fall colors, but a short-sleeved sweater top and sandals.  And how the thin jacket I grabbed for the brisk air I felt upon going out the door this morning, felt too warm after a 20 minute walk in the sun.  I remembered my indecision about the using the AC vs. the heater in my car on my drive to work.  And how we enjoyed a summery BBQ this weekend, topped off with smores around a camp fire.  We're right smack in the middle of the in-between and I love it!

So often, I don't stop to enjoy the in-between of life.  When my kids are learning to roll over, I'm eager for them to crawl.  When they're learning to crawl, I'm thinking ahead to when they'll start walking.  While they're in pre-school, I'm dreaming about all I'll be able to accomplish when they're finally all in grade school. 

But these in-between's are so short!  What do you do in your in-between time in your daily life? Those moments when you're waiting to go from one activity to another.  Do you daydream or create?  Do you work or play?  Do you worry or pray?  Do you even HAVE any in-between time?  My calendar is so full some weeks, I have to try to schedule in down between activities.

As I ponder being in the great in-between (this time between birth and death--or everlasting life, depending on how your view it), I want to live life in the present.  I want to enjoy being where God has placed me, not always looking back or wishing away the present so I can get to the future...but even in the in-between's.

Grace and peace.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How To "Do Not"

No one likes a list of “Do NOT’s.”  But we'd all agree on some, right?

Do not steal.
Do not bear false witness.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
Do not murder.

Okay, so some are easier to obey than others.  But there are "do not's" that can be challenging for everyone:  Do not be self-seeking.  Do not be gluttonous.  Do not be boastful or proud.  Do not delight in evil.  Do not be easily angered.  Do not, do not, do not....

Yet God tells us over and over how to love Him best: obey His commands.
“If you love Me, obey My commandments.” John 14:15

Here’s what I love about God: He doesn’t leave us to try as hard as we can to “do not” all by ourselves. In fact, He doesn’t leave us all by ourselves at all!

First, if you are a Christian—you’ve confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead—you have God living in you! That in itself is amazing. Nothing we do is all alone and He gives us power that we don’t have ourselves.
“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Phil. 4:13

Secondly, He commands us to fellowship and worship with other believers. These friends are my lifeline who hold me accountable and encourage me in my faith.
“And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do,
but encourage one another, especially now that
the day of His return is drawing near.” Heb. 10:25

Finally, psychologists tell us that to get rid of a bad habit, you should replace it with another action. Oh, how God knows our minds (He did create them afterall)! And He gave us all sorts of habits and actions and thought processes to “DO” in place of the “Do NOT’s.”
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, 
and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are 
excellent and worthy of praise.” Phil 4:8

This, I can DO.  How about you?

Grace and peace.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Changes, Mixed Emotions

I've got to admit that I am entering the new school year with mixed emotions.  This summer was a MUCH needed break for me.  I only continued to teach about one day a week this summer, so it was nice to have more time for other things (like songwriting, scheduling appointments, working on all things Evidence (my singing group), and cleaning my house).  Every break, I always have a list of projects I want to get done, and I never get to them all.  But dents have been made.  Appointments have been met.  Family has vacationed.  Songs have been written.

Now it's time to really focus on the nitty gritty of the school year ahead and I'm still working through the emotion of having to put these other things aside, though our vacation bags aren't yet unpacked. 

At the same time, it's always exciting to start a new semester.  I do enjoy the scholarly air of fall and the crispness of a freshly printed course syllabus.  New music for SCC Singers (the community choir I direct) and a whole new group of voices to explore.  The challenge of gently turning the minds of new students who enter Music Appreciation believing Classical music is boring and dull, yet leave with an understanding, appreciation, and even passion for the powerful music that has dominated the Western world for over 400 years.  That's rewarding.

This school year brings about a big change in the Thorn household, too, because both Isaac and Grace will be in school ALL DAY LONG.  We're talking leave for the bus at 8AM and come home at 4PM.  That's soooooo long!  Baby Elijah won't know what to do with himself all day.  And Chris and I will have to make sure to spend quality time with them between the hours of 4 and 8PM each day (when we're home, that is!).  Big changes, indeed.

I am thankful that amidst all of the transition and change, we can count on the One who is unchanging.  It's such a comfort to know that God is good, God has plans for me and for my family, and He is completely in control over every harried detail of my life.  So what if my projects didn't get done?  His purpose in my life is so much bigger.  And that's worth getting excited about.

Grace and peace.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And then there are other seasons.

You know how you go through seasons when it seems and feels like God is really, REALLY close to you?  Like you are in constant communion with Him...praying without ceasing...continually amazed at every little bit He seems to reveal and speak directly into your heart?

And then there are other seasons.

Seasons when you have to remind yourself to pray...when you stumble across that scripture verse instead of eagerly seeking it out...when you struggle with doubt that seems to come at you from left field?  One of my spiritual gifts is faith (which means I have an easier time than most when it comes to belief, trust, and assurance of the loving plan of a supernatural God), but even still, I sometimes get attacked by stabs of insecurity, fear, and doubt....about God's plan, God's goodness, God's presence.

Here are three things I remember to help me through these seasons:

1.  Remember that the enemy is "a prowling lion seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).  I have to guard my heart and mind because when I am walking in spirit and truth, Satan sees a target!  And he has many customized methods he uses to attack.

2.  Remember that God loves me and is not withdrawing from me.  On the contrary, I can almost always look at my life and thoughts and see that it was ME who has pulled away.  UNintentionally, I let my business and human ways of thinking take priority over seeking Him.  I think I'm seeking Him because I keep praying for Him to draw close and I open my Bible now and then.  But it has become secondary to my daily thoughts about home, work, ministry, people, and my own affairs in this life.

3.  Remember that season of special closeness.  Let me clearly state that I do not believe faith is or should be based on an emotion one feels.  But I do believe that sometimes that emotion I felt so strongly is a gift to help sustain me in the season of drought.  Remembering what I felt can give my mind clarity at a time when the looking glass seems blurry and dark.  When God renews my faith, the "things of earth grow strangely DIM" as the song says.  And that was probably the cause of the drought to begin with!

I don't know what season you're in right now.  But I know you're human and probably have gone through, are going through, or will go through a season of distance--drought--at some point.  Remember to be on guard against spiritual attack and your own fleshly mindsets, and remember the conviction of your faith to keep you grounded.  I hope the skies open up in refreshing rains for you!

Grace and peace.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Time for a Change

I'm tired of Windows Live.  Actually frustrated is more like it.  I am not a technology-savvy person, but I think they are trying too much to become a social network like Facebook and they just will never be able to compete.  There.  I said it.

So, short of copying all of those blogs here on Blogspot, I will simply give you the link to where you can find all my old stuff.  I cannot promise you the link will work (thank you, Windows Live).  But here it is:  Good luck!:-)

I also maintain a blog for my singing group, Evidence.  And you can find those posts at: and click on Blog.  I may also re-post those entries here from time to time.

My previous blog was titled, "Waiting for the Pot to Boil," because I have always had this feeling that I was waiting for something.  That God was preparing me for something more, something bigger, or at least something different.  Well, I think the waters are finally bubbling.  I think I'm doing exactly what God created me to do.  Instead of waiting for Him to show me what it is, I've decided to jump in and join Him where He is.  And that's a pot that boils over!  I am happy to share it with you.  Stay tuned.

...literally and figuratively. 

Ha!  Get it?  Yeah, you'll get used to it.

Grace and peace.