Monday, January 2, 2012

10 Things I Learned in New York, NY

1.  Broadway theaters are small, but production is big.
     *  "Memphis" was showing in the Schubert Theater.  It was amazing--we were 4th row, center (good job, Chris!).  The talent is unmatched and the production is a spectacle, even with a relatively simple set like this one.  There were actors popping up out of the floor, dancing across the stage and disappearing back under the floor.  Sets moved "by themselves" on and off the stage.  So cool!

2.  Subways are the best mode of travel (well, besides walking). 
     *  I don't think I would even own a car if I lived in New York City.  Not only is the gridlock frustrating and slow, but the drivers are scary!  There is no where to go, but they're going anyway!  They will make a spot where there is none.

3.  There is another city underground.
     *  I had no idea that the subway system is as complex as an airport!  All these different gates and trains heading to different locations...and we came out in a huge bus terminal several times. 

4.  Though I could never find a trashcan, there was no trash on the ground--anywhere!
     *  Yes, we did see a rat, but that was in the subway, by the rails--what do you expect?  BUT the city was so clean!  I never even saw litter or felt like it was dirty.

5.  Everything you see on-screen about NY is EXACTLY the way it really looks!
    *  I couldn't believe it.  We passed rows of homes that looked just like the Cosby's and Sesame Street.  And Times Square looks just like what we see on Good Morning America and all those other shows.  There are moving advertisements and glittering lights everywhere.  Central Park and Rockefeller Center are just as they appear in all the films (except there's a bigger line to go ice-skating).

6.  The sea of HUMANITY is humbling and eye-opening.
    *  I've never in my life experienced being in such a huge crowd of PEOPLE.  Now granted, we left the day before New Year's Eve, so I'm sure that was a big part of it.  But even mid-week, there were just people everywhere.  Hustle and bustle all around you.  I think you could either feel "part of something" or lost in the masses.

7.  People can be kind in New York, NY. 
    *  New Yorkers are often painted as impatient, even rude.  But I never felt this (except in traffic).  Actually, we were offered help on two different occasions (I guess we looked like lost tourists).  And even in the worst crowds, bottle-necked on the sidewalk because of a magazine stand, everyone was orderly and patient.

8.  Bored flight attendants tend to get creative.
    *  Someone take that intercom mic away from her!

9.  I am capable to fan frenzy.
    *  This, I never knew.  I was never one to be all-a-flutter about rock or pop singers.  Could never understand why girls would scream out of control, trampling each other for autographs.  Until I saw one my favorite Broadway stars in person:  Adam Pascal.  Oh my.  I wanted to wave from my 4th row seat and scream:  "Adam!!!  It's ME!"

10.  I am the luckiest, most blessed girl in the world.  My husband is the best.
    *  He surprised me with a trip to NY to see a Broadway show.  Childcare arranged.  Knock one off my bucket list.  Thank you, Baby!  (He'll be milking this one for the next 10 years...and that's okay.  It was great!)

Grace and peace.