Monday, November 22, 2010

The Special Gifts

I could go on and on about the blessings I have.  Being born into a Christian family and believing in Jesus since practically birth has to top the list.  And second to that, being born in a country where I have freedom to worship and believe Truth.  Of course, my husband and my children, our economic stability, our health and unmeasurable provisions are all biggies that I too often take for granted, but am incredibly grateful for.

But you know how sometimes when God blesses you in very small ways, these are the things you feel tremendously thankful for?  These are the ever-present whisperings of His spirit as He leads you.  These are the ever-soft intimacies as He comforts you.  These are the ever-uplifting encouragements as He prompts you to His work.  It’s like a special little, “I love you.  You are Mine.” 

I have felt these special “gifts” as of late regarding my singing group, Evidence.  I will be honest:  this ministry is hard work!  It is taxing on my health, on my family, and on my schedule.  But I know it’s what I’m called to.  Last night’s concert was a prime example of God pouring out His spirit as we sang.  We could SEE the people tracking with us, crying, smiling, singing, and clapping.  When you’re on the platform, you have the foremost eye view of these “pockets” of people in the audience who are truly being ministered to.  After a long day, half way through the concert, I felt God showing me in His subtle way, “See?  Look at these people.  They are what all this work has been about.  It is worth it because THEY are worth it to Me.”

He has also given me a sense of “rightness” in going forward with our “Friends of Evidence” concert event.  (  It is right for us to "gift" this concert to our family, friends, and fans.  But it’s really hard to ask for money.  Especially if you’re not absolutely 100% positive that the work for which the money is needed is the right one!  The one that God absolutely 100% positively wants you to do!  And I have continually been waiting to feel a sense of unease about this concert or about our CD recording project as I pray about them.  Yet, I have NOT felt any unsettling or unrest in my spirit about either thing!  While I have no idea how things will turn out in the end…the concert may end up with 13 people in attendance…the recording project may take place in my own basement—ha!….I still maintain a sense of PEACE about them.  A conviction that this IS the path He is showing us.  Thank you, God, for shedding light on our steps—even if it’s one step at a time. 
Considering Thanksgiving is about taking time to show gratitude, I thought I’d share about how I’ve been so blessed lately with these little things.  I hope you have been listening for God’s still, small voice as He speaks to you about your life—these are special gifts to be grateful for!

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